Ireland Baldwin Tits of the Day

Ireland Baldwin wants to be Kim Basinger so bad but she’s got that Alec Baldwin head, which is a constant reminder to herself of how much of a disappointment she is, where that her own dad called her a little pig publicly when divorcing Kim Bassinger, but more interestingly, that he ran off to start a new family with his hot Yoga wife to off-set his first attempt with this one, and to start fresh…..

Ireland Baldwin, an early to instagram, beach surf influencer who went dark…lesbian…in and out of rehab..while her Christian cousin Hailey moved in and took over for the family, by partnering up with the Kardashians before marrying Bieber…leaving this one confused, in an identity crisis, with a dad who doesn’t even like her…

A 7 foot tall monster with proportionate tits, you’d never know was that massive….and she’s back out here bringing out the tits, making for a worthy and respectable comeback to the social media game.

I am a fan.


Ireland Baldwin Tits of the Day June 17th, 2019