Demi Lovato Looks Great of the Day

Demi Lovato wearing a shirt that says I am Unbreakable..does the back say.. As Long as There is Narcan Around?

I guess she’s a fucking tank, and in being a tank, it takes a lot of fucking HEROIN to actually kill her…but I have confidence that it will eventually kill her as she struggles with her celebrity…and I know I won’t care because I find Demi Lovato a weak cunt…but more importantly I find her an unappreciative cunt who thinks she’s more important than she is as she struggles with fake mental illness to be a cop out for her cunt behavior….it is just sick…

She’s rich as fuck, has this great life, could move to a series of mansions all over the place and fuck off on entertainment to just chill, but instead she’s out here having overdoses to inspire her fans to get on opiates like her.

She’s trash, parents and brands should boycot her…addiction isn’t a disease, it’s a choice for weak people, and to encourage that despite her bad behavior is wrong…

Brands should have clauses that say “if the celeb cunt we pay lots of money to does drugs or overdoses, she’s gotta pay us back”…rather than finding new ways to ride her dick cuz she makes good sales…garbage.


Demi Lovato Looks Great of the Day June 18th, 2019