Katharine McPhee Nude Bikini of the Day

Katharine McPhee is some American Idol pervert, who found a career after American Idol, but decided to settle on being the caregiver to a really fucking rich and successful 80 year old music tycoon, David Foster….

He has a shit fucking ton of money, he has fucked a shit ton of women, and probably som men, musicians with hit songs in the 80s were wild and at this stage in the game…this late in life…probably has all the tools needed to still fuck her 30 year old ass…or maybe they are into freakish shit, since she is a pervert….you know to get theem both off under the old age circumstances…

I’d say that she best wed him sooner than later…so she gets taken car of…as the sugar baby she is….because time isn’t really on her side…except that these rich people live well into their 90s now…you know it is what happens with money…best trainers, best food, best lifestyle, best medicine, best staff….you can fuck young girls until the end…even when they did mountains of coke while recording love songs in the 80s…

Point being, before Katharine McPhee chose to be the sugar baby tits, she had some leaked nudes that led me to believe she had her vaginalplasty…and I figure if a girl is that insecure about making her cunt pretty…she’s likely on a mission to use that cunt for her own personal takeover….which is what is going on here..

What is going on with this ass though?


Katharine McPhee Nude Bikini of the Day June 25th, 2019