Lindsay Lohan Comeback of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is out here doing magazines with her pussy in some leotard or leggings….rocking the American Flag for some Fourth of July shit…to remind all you fair weather fans that she’s still around, still hot, still important, still Lindsay Fucking Lohan….the best Disney tits…that defined a generation and inspired all these influencers to try to get famous….almost eliminating the concept of fame…making her the den mother to all these whores, an icon they can never live up to…because the system has changed….and that is just one of the many things that make Lohan perfect…

Big fan, I’m rooting for the Oscar she is going to win when she’s ready to comeback to acting…which I hope is soon because Hollywood needs actual talent back in the mix…and this…is actual TALENT…

Here’s the perfect photoshoot of the perfect starlet.


Lindsay Lohan Comeback of the Day June 26th, 2019