Jenna Jameson Keto Body of the Day

Jenna Jameson is one of the last official PORN STARS….and this is her KETO body, because she was way fatter than this a few years ago….probably due to her mental disorders that made her a porn chick in the first place…but she’s taken action and applied her mental disorders to getting as fit as possible…or whatever this is….which isn’t that hot, but that is a glimpse of what was when she was a getting fucked on camera kind of girl…before everyone was doing it and it was still a thing…a thing that made her over 100 million dollars and she’d only have to fuck on camera once a month….which all the girls who are doing it for free everyday are missing out on…THE MONEY – because old feminism and empowerment got girls paid to do things like fuck on camera and be a whore sex worker…but now they all do it for free and are vocal about it…like the idiots we all know they are…

So here’s to some old timer….doing old timer shit…like she used to….


Jenna Jameson Keto Body of the Day July 1st, 2019