Jojo Has Some Panties On of the Day

Jojo has ridden the fact that dudes were into her when she was jailbait, clickbait, underage…on some EPSTEIN shit…for the last decade or more.

I don’t know how old Jojo is, because I wasn’t one of those EPSTEIN types who was into her when she was famous the first time around…Only Lohan had that kind of impact on me, and in my defense her family probably lied about her age, based on the fact that she looks 45 now, as she plays a 30 year old..

While Jojo, on her comeback tour, heavily based on nostalgia, and the gay crowd loving any and all celebrities or popstars…..but still produces some content with her big tits, whether in the gym, or in her underwear, or at the beach…

This piece is called “See through dress…but she’s hiding her tits, EMOJI blocking them Nipples, cuz she’s not as bold as EVERY OTHER girl trying to make it on the internet who do the “do my nipples offend you” hustle…I guess since Jojo already made it, she’s more about riding that early work…and keeping her whoring to the level Disney Taught her all those years ago, before Disney figured out with Miley that the public needs to see your pussy to believe you’re being open and honest with us….

Weird times, but you give a woman a camera and a platform and this is bound to happen…the NUDES are bound to find their way to the public…slowly…

Jojo Has Some Panties On of the Day July 9th, 2019