Izabel Goulart Fitness Goals of the Day

Izabel Goulart is fit as fuck…so fit that as she nears menopause her musculature is slowly making her look more and more like a man….thank god for those fake tits and long hair so we know what she identifies as…and really there is no evidence that she is not a man, or that she didn’t start as a man, she is Brazilian which for years was the hub of trannies…it’s a cultural thing…

She’s the VS model who hasn’t done much since VS but workout. She still walks the runway show, for whatever fucking reason and her body is fucking solid…especially in this doughy era of fat chicks…so I support her strict dieting and hard fitness work…it’s more impressive to look at than a bitch who doesn’t try…

Plus this pool bike shit, you know spin in a pool cuz it offers resistance is not only cool, but a great way for her to stick a dildo to the seat and none of us would be the wiser…slide the bikini to the side and go…assuming that she doesn’t have a dick…which we can’t due to her Brazilian musculature…but you get what I am saying and that is that this is hot.


Izabel Goulart Fitness Goals of the Day July 29th, 2019