Monica Bellucci Still Hot of the Day

monica bellucci still hot

Monica Bellucci is still hot at 54 years old, must be all the olive oil. Natures lubrication for anal sex.

I used to work with this Greek pervert in a Warehouse who was fucking the fat secretary or “receptionist” or “administrative assistant” depending on what level of fucking pussy who hates traditional gender norms…and who doesn’t call a stwardess a stewardess or a Air Waitress but instead subscribes to the non-gender specific “Flight Attendant” …shut the fuck up you Christmas Hating fuck…Yes..cuz you’re the same asshole who wishes people a Happy Holiday because you fear offending them…fuck you can offend someone by saying “I thought you were a girl” while realizing they have a dick in their panties…on your TINDER dry hump sessions….

Anyway….I used to work with this Greek pervert in a Warehouse and he’d just go on an on about fucking the fat secretary up the ass using Olive Oil…making the kind of salad he was into…shit on dick…salad…

This has nothing to do with Monica Bellucci at 54…but I used to get my haircut before I gave up on life a decade ago….when Bellucci was 44 by some Italian guy…and he would just talk about her tits..and how great they are despite her age…which I guess is rare in Italy as the woman usually have full beards and are 300 pounds of Ravioli by 44….while this bitch is still someone you’d want to put your dick in her ravioli….which isn’t saying much….we’d fuck anything…including seniors at the home who have alzheimers so that no one believes them when they tell on you – so some hot busty famous Italian at 54 is a no brainer…


Monica Bellucci Still Hot of the Day July 29th, 2019