Kylie Jenner Naked of the Day

Kylie Jenner is celebrating her 22nd birthday on tacky boat in Italy with her bastard child Stormi…because this bitch is trash. She really never stood a chance being born into the hype around the Kardashians cuz her sister took a black cock in video and released it with a porn company – but pretended it was leaked – which it wasn’t – but that didn’t stop America from paying attention, if anything that is what started it all….it motivated Seacrest to produce the show…because he’s a sexual deviant and not America’s Sweetheart he pretends to be…and the rest paved the way for these people to exist… allowed them to hire a marketing team, build out a whole marketing agency, making stupid money and not because they are smart but because America is bullshit…and bought into the vapid lifestyle they were selling….and unlike Jimmy Buffett selling his Margaritaville lifestyle at a profit, these people were selling shitty product, shamelessness and plastic surgery procedures to look like a muppet…and the world, mainly women, bought in, cuz women when left to their own devices are very easy to manipulate and trick and make billions off of…

That said, we all know they are a scam, bullshit, lies, all that is wrong with the world, terrorists to the new generation, who should be arrested and silenced but people keep paying attention….

Maybe it’s the fake asses, I mean look at Kylie’s fake ass, they don’t even try to make shit look good anymore, it’s like clown shit, circus shit, disgusting shit where she shits…and all we can do is hope for bad things to end their reign….as the queens of shameless social media whoring….in an era where that is all girls seem to do..


Kylie Jenner Naked of the Day August 12th, 2019