Ashley Graham Totally Disgusting of the Day

Ashley Graham is pregnant, in the event you didn’t think she was always pregnant, she just gives off those midnight snacking, eating for 2 or 3 vibes…

You know training for the day that she is actually pregnant and can take some fat girl fetish pics of various parts of her body to pretend she likes it or loves it…like her sloppy fat hanging off her ribs that humans aren’t supposed to have because it means you’re eating too many calories, a surplus, more calories than you need…’s unhealthy and her claiming to be healthy is negligent, bad marketing, a bad message to the kids, and now that she’s pregnant she’s gonna get a fuck of a lot fatter….and a lot more hype and PR cuz people like her so get ready for the gross sloppy obese pregnant chick fodder that is already begun.



Ashley Graham Totally Disgusting of the Day August 20th, 2019