JoJo Got Them Titties On of the Day

JoJo may not have a career, or whatever career she does have is just an off-shoot of the career she once had as the most important Disney-type kid, who acted and sang and old perverts jacked off to…the career she’s got left is like trying to get pregnant from the cum in the resevoir tip of the condom long after the cum happened…you know years after….hoping one little sperm is hanging on….not that I expect you to know what a condom is…AIDS is a myth….or maybe her career is the equivalent of a shit stain from a great meal you left on your underwear in the corner of the room…16 years ago only to be found by your mom after you’ve died..along with all your pocket pussies….you know it’s not even the shit from that great meal…it’s the fucking remnants of that shit….but she’s made money, has money, and has tits…and tits…are tits..


JoJo Got Them Titties On of the Day August 20th, 2019