Jennifer Lopez Tuck Game Strong of the Day

Jennifer Lopez tucking her 50 year old dick in this tight swimsuit….it’s a little dick, that could be a bead from a clit ring, or maybe just her outty dick clit from her hormone changes thanks to MENOPAUSE no one has told her that she has because they do not want to kill her spirits. She is an enterprise, an empire, a conglomerate, she employs many people and they rely on her relentless obsessive compulsive work ethic…the competitive, prove them all wrong, keep riding the wave creating garbage no one cares about…at least that I don’t care about…clearly people care about her and her bullshit that should be retired in the islands somewhere but that is instead working harder than ever to trick us into thinking she’s hot at 50. I will never admit anything is hot at 50…except for the cookies that granny-aged bitch baked…hottest thing an old cunt has to offer…


Jennifer Lopez Tuck Game Strong of the Day September 4th, 2019