Emma Stone Getting Wet of the Day

Emma Stone is not hot. Anyone who thinks Emma Stone is hot is fucking brain washed by the media companies that are all billion dollar media companies and that can afford to hire some experts in brain washing. There are reasons I know Lady Gaga lyrics without ever having listened to her song intentionally…these are masters of manipulation, who divert to Facebook being the evil one, so that you divert your fear of them to Facebook, which hasn’t really happened yet, since Facebook is still being used despite stealing and selling all your data, because I guess sharing your posts and thoughts to your friends is enough payment as you contribute to Zuckerberg’s billions…

Point being, Emma Stone targets the geeks, plays the geek, and has a mainstream career despite having a speech impediment and not being hot. Her mouth annoys me…and so do her bikini pics…but you idiots buy into GEEK and GAMER girls…you may even write it like “G33k and G4M3R GRRRLZ”…cuz you’re a fucking virgin piece of shit. I’ve always been inclined to hate all things geek and gamer oriented. I don’t get excited by action toys or Star Wars or any of that. So I don’t buy into your coveted starlet at the top of your geek totem pole. I see her for the lie she is.


Emma Stone Getting Wet of the Day September 6th, 2019