Emma Roberts Eiza Gonzalez Lesbian Kiss of the Day

Emma Roberts and Eiza Gonzalez are in some new movie called Paradise Hills, making out….because everyone is a fucking lesbian now…

It’s nice to see rebuilt Eiza Gonzalez, best known for being Fergie’s ex husband’s rebound, taking her rebuilt face to the TV screen like thee rich Mexican she is…

This is hardly the Lesbian Porn I am interested in, because I am not into any lesbian porn, it all bores me..there is no climax…and lesbians for the most part suck as a concept, not dick but pussy, with all their knitting, refinishing furniture, vintage clothes shopping and DICK hating…

But I like Emma Roberts and her rags to riches story of breaking into Hollywood…while odds were against her…


Emma Roberts Eiza Gonzalez Lesbian Kiss of the Day September 11th, 2019