Rita Ora Bikini of the Day

You may not be aware that Rita Ora is a self proclaimed popstar, who has stuck to her bullshit story her entire career, which is hardly a career but more tits at the right table, tits at the right party, tits at the right room, tits at the right bathroom stall, tits at the best VIP room, tits at the best DJ room, where people just assumed she was Kelly Osbourne, not Millennials since they have no idea who OZZY is, but industry folk…

She’s stuck to her story, distracted with her tits, and continues to live this famous life when no one knows what she sings…but the people aware she exists all know her tits because they are good tits…and that’s all I have to say about RITA ORA…which is a lot considering she’s BORING.


Rita Ora Bikini of the Day September 11th, 2019