Kate Moss Nipples of the Day

Kate Moss like twerking, something you thought died long ago…Kate Moss’ nipples are timeless. Like September 11th, we all remember where we were the first time we saw them in some fashion shit, before always seeing them in paparazzi pics on luxury vacations cuz she’s Kate Moss…the most luxurious gutter party coke slut ever…all thanks to fashion…

She’s got a 15 year old daughter she’s been releasing to the world like she was Cindy Crawford, so come back in 3 years to see her being the slut she is destined to be thanks to the current climate for young people, competing with all that porn…

She’s also got some 20 something influncer muppet looking half sister who is clickbaiting all day….

But nothing competes with the real Kate Moss deal…and by deal I mean nipples…


Kate Moss Nipples of the Day September 12th, 2019