Miley Cyrus Disgusting and Has Nipples of the Day

Miley Cyrus is now a lesbian, because it almost helps push whatever bullshit agenda she is trying to push whatever agenda she’s trying to push….doing this whole lesbian thing…

I assume the real objective is to add some clout to her “girlfriends” social media accounts, so that her thirsty fame hungry, fame fucker that got fake married to Brody Jenner for attnetion, to closer to a Kardashian, to climb that virtual ladder cuz half nudes weren’t cutting it….because Miley being a dyke, based on her voice, her silly antics, her last tour with all her TUMBLR style nudes, is just trying to find substance in her vain as fuck, lonely, celeb life…


Miley Cyrus Disgusting and Has Nipples of the Day September 17th, 2019