Bree Louise The First Naked TikTok Porn Thot of the Day

They say TIKTOK is the future…but I guess it is the future of porn.

All the younger people who are bored of instagram are on it doing dumb dances to hit songs, because I guess they like dancing….and shit is going viral, new talent getting millions of followers like it was instagram…only better cuz instagram sucks…

All the younger girls are making slutty dance videos, I’ve been on it a few times, I appreciate the simplistic comedy, some are really clever…but I barely get seen the slutty content…I get all the weirdos, amputees and old trash doing weird shit, which I find more amazing that young girls being slutty…I am old, desensitized and don’t need more hot girls producing content to get famous….I see it everyday…and prefer compelling weirdos being weirdos…tits are interchangeable…but freaks are so unique and fascinating…it is interesting…

But sometimes, magic happens in the field of slutty…..

I wouldn’t say that this is the MOST brilliant marketing hustle of all time, but it’s pretty great…

This girl is named Bree Louise, she is obviously an Australian all slutty, hot and laid back…She got big on TIKTOK doing the young slutty dances…cuz she’s a gymnast and contortionist….then she got deletde, turned 18, turned to porn cuz porn is mainstream, edgy, and cool to these young idiots….

More interestingly, shestarted an account on one of those sites that allows girls to run their own member porn site….that they can drive their followers to…and now she does side by side videos of her dancing on TikTok, where she generates her leads…and drives them to her member site where they get to see the same dance naked.

So simple, so efficient, so busty…this is what dudes want and she’s figured it out and is getting paid. This is my kind of entrepreneur….just getting naked whilst having a great naked body for the people to watch get naked…and by people I mean old fucking pervs…

It is safe to say she will regret this in a few years, but in the meantime take it all in…as far as I’m concernede this is well fucking done…well fucking executed and the future….the merging porn with mainstream…cuz in our era we’d be lucky if she worked as a bartender, this generation gets to see her cunt get fucked…..

She is on INSTAGRAM , she is on TIKTOK and Pornhub….cuz I guess they find being in porn cool…and if you CLICK HERE you can see some of her porns..

TRUST ME, I don’t endorse porn or pornstars and avoid posting them on this site but this is just too good, funny, amazing to ignore…young people so horny…


Bree Louise The First Naked TikTok Porn Thot of the Day September 27th, 2019