Bella Thorne Erotic Polaroids of the Day

Bella Thorne looks like a girl who was molested the majority of her life.

From stepfather’s her mom chose over her, you know how that goes, the whole bring a dirty man into your house and treat him like he’s the father, when he’s got no reason to be anything but a pervert with the girls, as you’ve basically given him he OK, by letting him into the fucking house you irresponsible self involved asshole who cares more about her personal gains, whether that is love, getting her pussy filled right, or money…. than her fucking kids…bad bad woman..

To the pedo execs who chose a Hollywood life working in Children programming, where they cast pubescent teens to fill the slots…but on the most eager ones.

Allowing her to now be the “relatable” voice to the kids on social media, because she comes across as being just so “real”, even though she isn’t real, she is an actor who doesn’t even know her own self, and all this is just attention seeking noise to fill the void in her soul from having a mother not protect her after her dad died…

Sexualize yourself to take the power back from the abuser or some shit…to angle sexualizing yourself cuz it gets you paid and talked about.

I don’t find her hot, she looks like she smells like unshowered for a week, constipated that entire week from the opiates you snort recreationally until eating taco bell anal sex. Which I guess is hot to some.


Bella Thorne Erotic Polaroids of the Day September 30th, 2019