Cindy Bruna Nipples of the Day

CINDY BRUNA with her nipples out at an event because how else is she going to be noticed honestly..

Don’t confuse Cindy Bruna with the other BRUNA with her nipplees out, they are different BRUNAs, and showing your nipples is more than just something people with the name BRUNA can do….everyone can join in the fun because if you’ve got nipples that you crave to have stared at all you need to do is put on a slutty sheer shirt.

It is basically a zero fucking effort thing to do, especially if you’re going to wear a shirt anyway, it’s just a clever shirt option cuz people will pay more attention and either say “look at her nipples, I love nipples”…or “Look at here nipples, what an attention seeker, the clickbait of clothing” but ultimately still the same outcome which is us seeing her nipples.

I’m glad it’s a trend because trying to convince girls to show you their nipples in this #metoo era, especially strangers over random DMs comes with a lot of risk as everyone is so fucking uptight and quick to call you out for being a creep and by everyone I mean chicks you want to see topless….Just wait it out…you will end up seeing them topless eventually thanks to trends like this..


Cindy Bruna Nipples of the Day September 30th, 2019