Lily Allen Topless of the Day

I don’t really appreciate that Lily Allen is still alive…

I don’t really like that she feels the need to post on social media, she was rich to begin with, got richer with dumb catchy songs that went viral, she doesn’t need more than that…you know be satsified with the time you had, and focus on being a mom to your kids who are unfortunately going to go through life as Lily Allen’s kids…I mean I guess they are lucky that she didn’t abort them like she aborted the one that she pretended was a miscarriage – that was long ago, you probably barely remember Lily Allen or her shitty tits, why would you remember her miscarriage…..I only do because I used it as a punchline to all my Lily Allen jokes when she was relevant…it was the go-to and it offended women everywhere which I liked.

That said, shameless attention seeking whores are in that hustle for life….if you can send nudes to your audience as a whole and ideally some spillover people who don’t care about you, but like the tits, why the fuck not do that, it’s not like she’s doing anything else of substance.


Lily Allen Topless of the Day October 3rd, 2019