Lia Marie Johnson Topless of the Day

Lia Marie Johnson is a girl who was on the KIDS REACT youtube channel when I guess she was a kid. They made a shit ton of money with dumb videos about kids reacting to random shit, which I guess was relatable, easy and shareable content for all the moms and sick fucks on social media….not to mention it started in 2010 when youtube was handing out million dollar checks to creators on a monthly basis….I missed that hustle…very dumb of me in hindsight…but I guess no one would watch my vlogs about sitting on the couch all day, but then again they watch real dumb shit that maybe it could have worked….too late for me….

Well, what is a Kids React youtube star to do after she is no longer a kid, and not needed by those assholes who used her in their shit….GET NAKED OF COURSE….that is what she’s gotta do cuz that is how girls stay alive in these times.


Lia Marie Johnson Topless of the Day October 9th, 2019