Sarah Hyland Pussy Flash of the Day

Sarah Hyland creeps me out. She has since she first showed up on TV, and in the paparazzi as things progress when you’re on a hit show.

I have facial recognition blindness for a fact, which is hard to explain, but basically everyone I look at looks kind of the same…and I can’t recognize them even family members, so I make associations for people, so from the first time I saw her, I just assumed she had that Benjamin Button Disease…”progeria”…it is how I could recognize her.

If you watched trash Tv in the 90s, you’ll remember those 7 year olds who were born looking like a child version of a senior citizen.

So I couldn’t really vibe on her, without wanting to puke….and I guess I was kind of right, she did have a genetic disease, has had two Kidney transplants, and looks like she weights 50 lbs…on some pre-mature preemie baby…grown up…

Like there is no way this bitch doesn’t sleep in an incubator at night…so now that she sexualizes herself…it is creepy.

Here are her hard nipples in a tight white shirt


Sarah Hyland Pussy Flash of the Day October 21st, 2019