Amanda Seyfried Naked Milk Bath of the Day

Amanda Seyfried is in some dirty piss and cum water for you to jack off to because it reminds you of of your poverty stricken childhood, where the family could only afford so much water and you were the end of the line, forced to soak in your dad and sisters fluids after your dad molested her because you’re not good enough…to be molested by him…you know second tier motherfucker…

I always liked Seyfried in movies. I liked that Lohan, when I was friends with Lohan, hated her because she basically stole Lohan’s fantasy of a career…and despite doing garbage movies for the mainstream faggot, she also did some indy shit for her tits, with good tits as all tits are worth looking at…so show em for your fake art…


Amanda Seyfried Naked Milk Bath of the Day October 25th, 2019