I don’t buy into Bella Hadid hype. I am well aware of everything she is. The lie that she is. The marketing scam she is. The robocaller, who keeps calling you, almost making you think they are your actual friends, because they are so incessant, only the “model” version…It’s like if we are persistent enough the retard world won’t have enough time to realize it’s all a scam…cum hard, cum fast, and once you cum, they can’t take that away from you…
Why the long face Bella Hadid with the titties out? Isn’t this the face that was reported to be “perfect” by science cuz it was made by science in a surgeon’s office..which is about as impressive as this lame titty pic…she should be forced to do better..but idiots everywhere throw money at her, and she’s already a lazy entitled rich kid to begin with, why would she bother…