Jordyn Jones Getting Wet of the Day

Jordyn Jones is an actor from Dance Camp, something I am sure you creeps are very fucking familiar with, but that I can say I’ve never seen or heard of, but assume is the pedo content coming out of Hollywood, cuz Hollywood is filled with a bunch of fucking pedos…

She is 19 now, so looking at her slutty self produced content for her social media feed, because it is the trend, all the young girls are doing it, they grew up on porn, whats celebrating a youthful body in a bikini, it’s not nearly hardcore or degrading, it’s more a celebration that if you take on dance at a young age, and remain fit, and you’re 19, half naked is the only way you should be, cuz eventually it will all end…time is not on her side…so make the most of it…

I know so many 40 year old women who regret not doing this at a young age, back when they could eat and drink anything they wanted without getting fat, with no time machine and no social media back then, it all becomes just a memory….when it should have been documented, yet everytime I offered to use my SONY HANDICAM on them, they’d freak out, leaving my experimental porn videos womanless…

So this is all progress for humanity, at least in terms of celebrating hotness or being your hotest at 19, which really doesn’t matter to anyone, but she won’t regret doing this at 40, and either will her husband who will still jerk off to the archive…oh to be young.


Jordyn Jones Getting Wet of the Day October 30th, 2019