Ariel Winter Hard Nipple Selfie of the Day

Ariel Winter being single looks like this…at least for Ariel Winter, who has been financing her Canadian actor boyfriend who had a pretty irrelevant career beyond being the dude who fucked Ariel Winter and her troll body during the fat years..but the second the fat girl got on speedier anti-depressants and dropped the weight she decided to get new cock. You know those weight loss endorphines always give a bitch confidence she can do better.

Then there’s the whole selfie thing that happens when a girl drops weight, finds confidence, wants to find cock to fuck or at least have duded call her hot….which involves various slutty poses, but not too slutty, you don’t want the new prospects to think you’re a ho, you just want to give them enough to jack off to…which I guess this is…but it could just be her breast reduction nipples. I once knew a girl with breast reduced tits and her nips were always hard as fuck, like Aniston in a Friends episode hard. The weirdest but possibly best side effect of a surgery….since my impotent friend got prostate cancer and the nerves go re-wired to give him 15 hour long erections…not that it was the best side effect of surgery for the people who were pushed up against him on the subway, but for him…it gave him new life..

What I am trying to say is Ariel Winter is gross.


Ariel Winter Hard Nipple Selfie of the Day October 31st, 2019