Jenny Mollen Ass Handprint for Social Media Attention of the Day

Jenny Mollen is Jason Biggs’ wife a mother of his kids who documents their life on social media.

She was at one time an attention seeking “comedian” who was on social media, writing for various blogs, but the second she got ONE high profile enough dude to stick his dick in her, she decided wife and mom to a rich famous dude was a better life than the struggle of trying to be a “personality”….

Their group of friends includes Chelsea Handler and you can tell that they think they are so interesting, important, and cool…you know on some Chrissy Tiegen level of that bitch is so irrelevant and uninteresting but thanks to her husband being famous she has legit fans and is now a “personality” who you know thinks of herself as an OPRAH…or legitimate voice…because all these people are crazy…

Jenny Mollen is not quite a Chrissy Teigen, but she is still bad, into being watched and today’s contribution to the world…or the BLOGOSPHERE that’s what they used to call the blog universe…and I was glad to not be a legit blog to be categorized under that nerd shit…but today’s contribution is….a handprint on her ass cuz she’s cheeky, wild, experimental, open minded, slutty, etc…..pretty fucking boring but if you look hard enough you can see her anus.

Jenny Mollen Ass Handprint for Social Media Attention of the Day November 13th, 2019