Emilia Clarke Cum Face of the Day

I have this talent that involves taking innocent, even festive events, like this EMILIA CLARKE, who I think is a Game of Thrones Girl, but I don’t watch that Dragon and Wizard shit, even though the rest of the world does and I don’t actually think the majority of the Game of Thrones fans were even into the show, I think they were just there cuz of a fear of missing out..or a fear of being shunned by not being into what they think they should be into…what would they talk about at their jobs if they aren’t up to speed on cultural events like that…

Point being, my talent, and I have VERY few talents…if any talents….is looking at Emilia Clarke making these faces for CHRISTMAS…and swapping it out with her taking loads on her face…

To me…this is Emilia Clarke taking a gnarly facial….and that’s all I have to say about that.


Emilia Clarke Cum Face of the Day November 14th, 2019