Bella Thorne Braless of the Day

Bella Thorne is gross and her sexualizing herself with her titty hustle is getting boring….she’s been doing this on social media for at least 3 years, when she first started her rebranding from being a kid, by using tactics she used as a kid, when her parents sold her to Disney….shit that was kept behind closed doors by the execs and I guess by whoever the “father figure” was who molested her enough to be broken enough for the people at Disney to buy into her….

Either way, she’s done every angle, hung out with every youtuber, to really secure herself in popculture, and she’s just fucking trash…you’d scrape off the public bathroom the gas station you work at…cuz it was left splatted all over the toilet bowl by one of your homeless customers….Just fucking diseased looking and totally uneventful but the tit has a nipple…but I think I’d be more into seeing the crust formed on her pussy from not washing…you know it’d be like that piece of coal in peanut butter making a crystal viral video…only it’d smell more like dead animal…which wouldn’t be the worst thing I’ve fucked…


Bella Thorne Braless of the Day November 15th, 2019