Rihanna Getting Them Titties Wet of the Day

Rihanna has always been doing the slutty thing….I know people in Barbados and early in her career they told me that she was an underage prostitute working the Karaoke Bars where she met her handler that brought her to America…through all the red tape of work visas and coming across the border with an underage immigrant you are bringing into the country to have perform….sketchy fucking story bro…

But the people of Barbados have since warmed up to her and don’t talk shit on her, cuz she owns the fucking island, is the biggest thing from the island, and one of their own who did it that big…with zero to no talent…as the daughter of a garbage man who lived in a shanty….but still a sketchy story bro…

Anyway, now that slutty thing has been diverted from shitty pop music, that her fans have been begging for more of since got a lot of hype back when her and Chris Brown staged her beating, to elevate her career as a survivor from domestic abuse….people sympathize with that shit..and she’s now dating a billionaire prince, is lazy because of that, but she’s Rihanna, still has a brand of cosmetics and lingerie that probably make her hundreds of millions and that laziness has given her tits…BIG WET TITS…like those days when she was the HOLE in HOLETOWN…


Rihanna Getting Them Titties Wet of the Day November 21st, 2019