Kelly Brook Reconnects with Her Long Lost Mother of the Day

It is the holiday season, you know Thanksgiving then Christmas…and all the decorations are out, the Christmas music is playing in stores, the brands are trying to seduce us into buying shit we don’t need, the streaming sites are trying to touch our hearts with nostalgia, good old fashion feel good American values, you know the illusion of what Christmas is supposed to be and not the dysfunction that it actually is…especially with all you social media bandits with all your knowledge and debate skills you’ve mastered thanks to reading fake news, finding like minded idiots, an taking your anger to twitter…or Facebook…or whatever…

But the most important thing about the Holiday Season is Family….it is ignoring all the bullshit, and letting bygones be bygones, and not going at each other’s throats…it is not the time to rehash old fights, old memories, old mistakes…it is a time to forgive, to move on, to heal..

So it is nice to see that Kelly Brook and her mom who I guess has retired down in the Bahamas working out their shit, that I assume Kelly Brook’s mom will later roll around in as she does…


Kelly Brook Reconnects with Her Long Lost Mother of the Day November 26th, 2019