Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I saw a headline that women should be manspreading once a day, so now, the internet influenced middle of the road idiot is legit setting timers and reminders her iphone to manspread once a day – due to scientific fact she read on the fake new internet…along with micro-dosing, breathing exercises, cold water training and whatever else GOOP and bootleg versions of GOOP are spreading…from AntiVaxing to fucking Ice Cubes, very little hasn’t been presented as a health “trend”…the internet breeds idiots. Idiots who try too hard.

For those who don’t know, a manspread is when a man sits with his legs apart, like all men do, cuz we have balls, even small balls, get crushed by our inner thighs if we don’t…

But now women are taking action to do do it once a day…for health…even though no one ever gave a fuck about whether a girl manspread or not…why is this news or a thing?

I know internet feminism is as awful, uneducated, unqualified content that people buy into and take as fact, like anything…and I know they like to say that toxic masculinity is the fall of society but I don’t even know what toxic masculinity is, and either do they…

It just sounds like a dumb fucking compartmentalization of man…bass the buck, blame them for all that is wrong….we’ve done women wrong…and they must unite to hate us together, and they do…WOMANHOOD…yay…

But those same girls who don’t like being categorized as being “sluts’ or “whores” or “fat chicks”….or ugly…or even as a “gender” all mad that humans like to bundle types of people into their own little cubby hole of hell, but are doing the same thing back at dudes…cuz dudes are the devil…and I guess I always hated cubby holes, more of a dumpster kind of guy, private, like my own little piss scented tiny home vacation rental on AIRBNB….

Here are some stepLINKS…in the Morning….

Titty Bartender Shoves Tits in Dudes Face After Beating Someone who Gropes Her


Hot Feet for the Foot Fetishists


Borat’s Acceptance Speech….as Sacha Baron Cohen….on How Evil Internet COmpanies Push Misinformation which is Fact. Worth Watching.


Jessica Biel – Not Wearing her Ring


Boomer Humps Random Women in Grocery Store…


17 Year Old Rips it in Rally Car


Celebrity Engagement YoU Don’t Care About


Umpire Storms Off when Made Fun Of…


Original Video of the Tik Tok Girl’s Car Dance


The Inner Workings of an Escalator


How Not to ANTIFA


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day November 26th, 2019