Elsa Hosk Still Hot In a Hard Nipple Bikini of the Day

I am thankful that ELSA HOSK photoshopped pics are our version of Elsa Hosk…because Elsa Hosk in the morning unfiltered, not made-up, could go either way.

The dramatic posing sluttiest of the VS models, who despite being the same age as CANDICE SWANEPOEL feels like the new whiteness to their dated business model….and I think she’s one of the hottest…but I have a feeling the Real Elsa Hosk…is a disappointment…so keep on the photoshopped lie…it’s the best thing the internet has to offer dudes like us who are just here looking for tits to stare at…uninterested in what is actual “Real” cuz we know “real” is gross…


Elsa Hosk Still Hot In a Hard Nipple Bikini of the Day November 28th, 2019