Barbara Palvin Bra and Panties of the Day

Barbara Palvin Bra Panties

Big girl Barbara Palvin who is not looking as big as she probably is….maybe it’s liposuction, maybe it is keto diet, maybe it is starving herself, maybe it is photoshop, maybe it is FACETUNE, who the fuck cares she’s struggling to get her pants over her ass and based on my research over the years…a fat ass being squeezed into a pair of pants that are a few sizes too small is a fucking fetish and also a “meme” because every bitch with a fat ass who wants to show off her fat ass is doing it…

The girl fired from Victoria’s Secret for being too fat, after being recruited when she was underage by the brand (or maybe EPSTEIN) was used to protect their star MIRANDA KERR who cheated on Orlando Bloom because he’s a faggot who now fucks Katy Perry proving his FAGGOT-ISM, with BEIBER when he was underage and performing at the VS Show they have since cancelled because no one fucking cares about a mall brand pretending to be high concept in an INFOMERCIAL…only to have their back turned on her before realizing they need plus sized girls to stay relevant in this FAT world where fat is a thing and brands that don’t do fat get boycotted by everyone even the non fats…cuz they lose credibility as a modern and relevant brand even if they make XXXXL panties…because the public want to see XXXXL ass in those panties….like a bunch of chubby chasing fat fetishists I’ll never understand….

The world is nuts, but I like this Barbara Palvin pic.


Barbara Palvin Bra and Panties of the Day December 2nd, 2019