Kristen Stewart’s Dyke of the Day

Kristen Stewart is the worst.

There is nothing hot about her, so I guess it’s good that she’s a lesbian, since there’s nothing hot about lesbians, unless you like the challenge of trying to fuck a lesbian, knowing how much they’ve trained themselves to hate dick, because you know how lesbianism is a myth…sure they eat pussy and play house with other girls…but at their core they crave male sperm in their uterus to make babies..they are coded that way and if you’re really that anti men, you’re not out there using the most MALE substance around – SPERM – recreationally to get pregnant…and trust me…lesbians are out there buying sperm of craigslist for that reason…which sounds more like a weird non-lesbian fetish than anything…I mean if I met a girl who would get sperm off online classified…I’d find them sick fucks…which is part of why I think lesbians are sick fucks…

As for Kristen Stewart, she was uneventful when she was a hetero overhyped inbred looking bitch in Twilight…and despite trying to feminize herself, or be fashion, thanks to her lesbian girlfriend and model Stella Maxwell…she’s still garbage…garbage with her lesbian titty out trying to be interesting when really it’s all so manufactured…like a fucking movie set that is her life…this is just one of her least compelling roles.


Kristen Stewart’s Dyke of the Day December 11th, 2019