Lucy Hale Ass in Panties of the Day

I heard that the CW’s sweetheart, who is cast in every show they launch it seems, all cuz they know she’s got that Pretty Little Liars traction – has herpes.

But then again, that may have been a rumor I heard about Nina Dobrev, or really any of these Hollywood actresses, because without explicitly being slutty girls….they are all slutty girls….sex and being vessels that are surviving / not dying, you know every day avoiding death, which is terrifying if you think about it, how can you even leave your house, that’s why I don’t leave my house…is what HUMANITY is about….and when you throw money, success, an audience and feed an ego…sex happens..

They are just less obvious about it than the girls in your life, with their carrying around babies, or being whores in public…because they need to be like Lucy Hale and appeal to the young audience who doesn’t have cable, is not watching The CW…but who they pretend are so that they can stay in business..

CW where I’m at was on the digital antennae free channels before my antennae broke…and I still didn’t watch the shit, but I wouldn’t put it passed all my creepy pervert neighbors every night before bed…if you know what I mean…because like Lucy Hale, they are perverts too.

Lucy Hale Ass in Panties of the Day December 16th, 2019