Bella Hadid Bra and Panties of the Day

I think they people should come together and boycott Calvin Klien for using Bella Hadid in their campaign.

I get it, the world is now trans friendly, and trans positive, as they fight transphobia…but this isn’t a request to boycott Calvin Klein for using a tranny in their campaign…I’m as trans positive as you can be if you’re a rational thinking human who doesn’t care what people identify as.

I just don’t think we should be celebrating useless trash unless it’s actually hot, just because it is rich and has rich parents and grew up in rich neighborhoods, with other rich kids the internet seems to assume is important despite being useless and really only rich.

I don’t know who decided that her skeletor face was hot, but we can assume it is all those Marvel comic book fans getting confused about what good content is and what hot chicks are. With all the birth control in the water, it only makes sense that ya’ll are a bunch of bitches slowly getting more and more into dudes…hence this dude’s fame as a model.


Bella Hadid Bra and Panties of the Day December 26th, 2019