Miley Cyrus Pussy Poppin of the Day

Miley Cyrus Pussy Poppin

Miley Cyrus may be annoying, her face may be a bit broken down, but for some reason I still think she’s hot. It may be the fact that she’s always out there shaking her skinny white girl ass like some kind of stripper, despite being a the child of a rich entertainer who became an entertaining of her own, and really is so far removed from the stripping life, but since her dad was country trash and her mom was some sort of cocktail waitress, the inner stripper runs fucking deep within her DNA….you know the house is bigger, the stuff in the house more expensive than when they lived in a trailer before Miley was born, but ultimately…still hick trash….that she totally plays up…despite being straight fucking Disney created California based sitting on her pile of money.

It’s an act, I get it, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad one…plus her God mother is Dolly Parton and I fucking love Dolly Parton…so Miley and her twerking…is still relevant to me…and will never be as played out as it obviously is.

Miley Cyrus Pussy Poppin Miley Cyrus Pussy Poppin


Miley Cyrus Pussy Poppin of the Day December 27th, 2019