Jojo Is Becoming a Stripper of the Day

Jojo was a popular child star many fucking years ago…and like all child stars she has probably experienced all kinds of trauma from being sold for personal gain…and that’s ok…it makes for some entertaining breakdowns filled with delusions….it is like DADDY ISSUES but on CRACK because there is more money involved in the whole feeling inadequate and supporting your entire fucking family despite being 15.

ANYWAY….she tapped out for a while, no one cared or knew where she went, only to resurface on social media, where I get the vibe she still puts on shows and all that, but I could be wrong, I don’t pay that much attention to much beyond her massive tits I don’t remember her having when she was doing that whole DISNEY-LIKE thing…because she was over 18 when she disappeared…

Well, the celebrity life isn’t so bad because you make stupid money for very little work, so I guess that itch came back harder than a bout of herpes she got from a Network exec when she was first getting hired….so here she is…consistently posting semi-slutty content that may eventually become hardcore porn as it has happened to so many girls before her…you know because everything is basically porn right now, so why the fuck not.

All this to say, I don’t mind her one bit.


Jojo Is Becoming a Stripper of the Day December 30th, 2019