Yulia Rose With The Big Tits of the Day

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, if you think the smell of a sex worker is sweet, I typically find it a little too rank to be sweet….maybe fishy, or shitty, or like that smell I get when I don’t change my 10 year old underwear that has absorbed all my smells the last decade and the second they reach a certain temperature my immediate surroundings smell like ass / balls and whatever else is brewing in there…

It’s probably not very nice of me to assume that YULIA ROSE is a sex worker, but any Russian with over 100k on instagram that pretends to be a model typically is. So I’m just ROUNDING UP on this one because more likely than not…she’s a sex worker. NOT TO MENTION, I think all models operate the same a prostitutes, because they are being paid for their bodies and sure the “Sex” with the photographers, agents, bookers and brands that hire them is “consenting”, it’s still very transactional. NOT TO MENTION Yulia is from Russia and you know how that plays out…not that it matters, what matters is the big tits and she’s got the big tits.


Yulia Rose With The Big Tits of the Day December 30th, 2019