Ali Larter Ass Shot of the day

Ali Larter is 43 years old and I guess she made enough money in her career as the girl in a WHIPPED CREAM BIKINI in VARSITY BLUE which is the only movie I remember her being in…because she can spend her time in the gym working out, or not eating, or whatever it takes to be proud enough to show a straight up bikini ass shot on your social media….the whole empowerment thing exists and these girls are showing their asses to showcase their flaws and to crowdsource support…but this is more of a “Look at my ass it is still hot situation”…

Larter creepily got her career at 14 as a model – like so many other 14 year olds the industry think are old enough for the cocaine parties and unprotected sex. She actually did partake in an interesting social experiment when she was a no name model put together by ESQUIRE magazine, where they created a fake celebrity named Allegra Coleman. I only heard about it in a previous post I did on Ali Larter and it made me think she was more interesting (barely) than just a Whipped Cream Bikini for being a part of that troll before social media was there to help perpetuate fake news.

Well look at her now….she wants you to.


Ali Larter Ass Shot of the day January 2nd, 2020