Nadine Velazquez Nude of the Day

Nadine Velazquez Nude Nipples Ass

I am late to the game on this one because I genuinely don’t give a fuck about 45 year old Nadine Velazquez.

I don’t watch shitty movies like Fast and the Furious or whatever the fuck she was on that needed a hispanic girl to tell their story or to make the world think they were inclusive…

So when I see the full nudity cry for attention I embrace it, but not too closely…like I appreciate that it happened because Instagram is a porn site and I like being reminded of that, but girls are all porn stars to some degree in how they produce content around themselves, even when they have mainstream careers…they can’t help by CRAVE being stared at, showing off, etc.

She’s 41 and has quite the stripper porn instagram body for 41…but if you’re cast for being the hot slutty hispanic girl…you better be hot and slutty for as long as you can be cuz that meal ticket will end and no one wants that to end at least not Nadine…proven by these pics…and that’s not a bad thing proven by these pics but then again everything is photoshopped to shit, or fake…so unless it’s a close up…it’s a whatever.


Nadine Velazquez Nude of the Day January 2nd, 2020