Ella Eyre in a Bikini of the Day

Ella Eyre is some up and coming popstar / singer songwriter/ that you’ve never heard of from the UK. The UK pumps out shitty popstars and have for decades…sometimes they break into the USA like the Spice Girls…and sometimes they end up on “I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here” or whatever the other UK reality shows with their “celebs” you’ve never heard of they end up on.

She’s got about 450k followers on instagram and I guess you need over a million to pretend that you’re relevant….since most of those followers on instagram influencer accounts are robots from RUSSIA…

I don’t know if she’s hit the USA yet because I don’t listen to any new music and haven’t really since I was about 20 years old…so it’s not a jaded and bitter old guy saying “music today is shit”….even though music today is shit.

I do know she has a wikipedia…her father was Jamaican, and her mother is Maltese. She was a swimmer before a singer which I guess is why she’s been posting bikini pics….I mean besides trying to get more attention to herself because people like bikini pics.

Ella Eyre in a Bikini of the Day January 3rd, 2020