Joey King Dancing in a Bra of the Day

Joey King was robbed of a Golden Globe as far as I’m concered. I didn’t see Michelle William’s in that queer dancing show about a womanizing dancer, because he wasn’t queer, but all the other dancers were queer, opening up many pussies in the dance community for that reason alone.

I did see Michelle William’s woman power speech about her abortion, in what I guess was a subliminal thank you to her abortion for her win.

“The Act” was the first time I saw Joey King in any performance, and she had a shaved head and no teeth, which may be hot to all of you, but not to me….so I wasn’t rooting for her for her hotness or her youth, she was actually great in it and should have been rewarded for it…not that bitch who let your HEATH LEDGER DIE….

So now that I know who Joey King is, I’m seeing her giving back to the community with bra tops and titty dances…on some child star from a child star family doing things that broken girls do…and I see it as her giving back to the people, reasserting herself, saying “she’s got tits and she’ll use them”….as she uses them.

She’s good.


Joey King Dancing in a Bra of the Day January 8th, 2020