Kristina Trumbull May Be the Future of the Day

Our friend, who I don’t know if he’s actually our friend, I feel like I may have communicated with him once before he realized that I could taint his reputation with the women he takes pics of because I call all them girls getting naked whores.

What they don’t realize is that I am not doing it in a judgy way and not even in a mean way, I appreciate the normalization of girls getting naked on the internet and I remember when seeing models nude required WORK or watching syndicated fashion television that aired on Sundays…

I get that it is a woke society and people are scared to have opinions that go against the masses and that’s ok, but it’s also an era where EVERY girl posts her nudes by 18 years old, like EVERY GIRL has nudes, which is awesome.

You can’t give me endless supply of nudity and not expect me to react like an old excited by nudity dude. It is called PUSSY POWER…the power of the pussy and it’s as old as fucking time.

SO…calling these girls trying to get out there by spending their days with their tits out for a photographer is more my way of saying thanks…so thank you ERIK TRANBERG for this gold…and thank you KRISTINA_TROUBLE for them titties. They are great. I am sure you are more than just tits, and that you are empowered by your tits and showing your tits, but I don’t care about none of that noise, I do however appreciate the tits.

Kristina Trumbull May Be the Future of the Day January 8th, 2020