Zoe Kravitz Nudity of the Day

Zoe Kravitz used to annoy me with her Bohemian artist act. Her stick and poke tattoos. Her dreaded hair that you know she was playing up….she was a rich kid born to a rich and famous dad who was born to a rich a famous mom from The Jefferson’s….this is generational entitlement and to play it up like you live in a beach shanty, that you love crystals, that you juice only the best vegetables from your off grid garden was beyond fucking pretentious.

But I’ve seen her in movies and tv shows and I find her hot, so I am all for her rise to the top….even if her start was lame as shit….plus I used to jerk off to Lisa Bonet on The Cosby Show and Diff’rent strokes so in ways, I like to think I am Zoe Kravitz’s dad. You never know, maybe my sperm was that powerful.


Zoe Kravitz Nudity of the Day January 8th, 2020