Jessica Alba Sweaty Tits of the Day

Jessica Alba is looking like your grandma who just figured out her phone she got for Christmas has a front Camera, but she can’t quite figure out how to go back to the regular camera…which makes sense because bitch is old, but I guess not that old, maybe more entitled and coddled and used to having her personal assistant do everything for her, so that she doesn’t need to use her brain on anything but trying to act her way through being an “Honorary” CEO of a tech / e-commerce company like she was GOOP…but far less controversial, or talked about, despite being far hotter.

At least she realizes that despite being a 40 year old mom of 3, we still want to see her sweaty tits in her sports bra, because we remember those tits at their prime, when they weren’t out there making babies, but rather out there getting herpes. Memories….

The only funny Gossip I know about Alba, is that her husband was such an Alba fan that he made a deal with her when they first got together, knowing he wasn’t an A Lister or that rich, and that deal was that they would have a family together, build a business together and that she’d be allowed to fuck around with other dudes, the ultimate CUCK, only he’s not invited to watch her when she fucks the A-Listers…a story that may be fake, but I think is true, and funny in all her pics….not quite as funny as this filtered up herpe looking face….but funny nonetheless.


Jessica Alba Sweaty Tits of the Day January 15th, 2020