Kelly Brook Fitting Room Erotica of the Day

I’ve been really mean about Kelly Brook over the years, but unlike a pussy ass bitch, I don’t feel guilty about it or think to myself how damaging being a cyberbully can be, because the real victim in all this is me, cuz people don’t like Cyberbully’s anymore so I’m just coasting on the sidelines deciding whether to start making real noise to “disrupt” all the pussy ass bitches out there, or just wait until people start hating again….because I know in our souls we are all haters…I can’t be alone in this.

Anyway, now that that backstory you don’t care about, regarding me being a sociopath on the interenet with no empathy towards celebrities I don’t actually know, so why would I have empathy for them, they are objects on a screen, especially Kelly Brook level celebs who don’t fucking matter at all…..

I can say that I have met actual people who KNEW Kelly Brook in person, they were Rugby Players from the UK and apparently she fucked Rugby Players from the UK, being a Titty model from the UK, and they were meaner than I was about her being a fat slob phony who ran to America to fail because she was an entitled cunt who thought she was more than just tits….

So I figure we should take it from the source, from people who know her and who have fucked her, and remember than this now 40 yer old set of huge tits, also comes with a huge body cuz she’s fat, and you probably don’t care because of the tits.

Here she is with her fat tit out


Kelly Brook Fitting Room Erotica of the Day January 22nd, 2020