Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Is anyone else suspicious of this Corona Virus? Are you like me and thinking it is the weirdest marketing campaign for Corona Beer. This is almost as bad that it’s just some Cancun Spring break in the 90s flashback. Memories of when you got your first Coronas that you are still convinced the Mexicans clean the bottles with piss. Memories of your first college aged bout of herpes and didn’t care because it was so Epic…until you realized that herpes is for life and that any girl you go on dates with will be turned off by it because unlike Spring Break you’re not worth the risk….

Caronas for everyone?

We’re all going to die….and I’m not even that nervous about it.

I guess I’m old now, but I used to be a hypochondriac and along with thinking I was dying of standard diseases all the time and freaking out over it, from Stroke to Heart Attack to Cancer….I remember the excitement when I first learned about epidemics in the early 80s the start of when I’d start fucking freak out over any disease getting hype. I remember going to the clinic almost weekly thinking I got AIDS because I went to school with a fag. In the 90s it was Ebola, where I would will a rash on myself through panic and go to the clinic almost weekly then in the 2000s was SARS…then in the mid 2000s I got therapy.

We’re all going to die….if China has locked down a city, you know it’s worse than they are telling you. So enjoy the master cleanse. It was bound to happen, we are overpopulated and disgusting planet mudering assholes…eventually VIRUSES will win.

Here are some morning Links….while you’re out there thinking of Beach Side Corona’s while dying of mass extinction thanks to Corona Virus….the modern day Spring Break because ultimately we deserve to be extinct!!

Celebrity’s Doing the Profile Pic Challenge


Grandpa Loses it over Parking Machine


Monty Python Star Dies….


HOT fucking Meredith Mickelson


Package Thief


Juice WRLD Died from Sizzurp


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day January 23rd, 2020